National Launch Firm Announces Alpha® Board Executive Leadership Exchange™
It’s time to plant the seeds of renewed prosperity on behalf of some of America’s most promising businesses. NeuVision Group of Kansas City, Minneapolis and Denver is proud to announce Alpha Board, the “National Business Leadership Exchange™.” Alpha Board is for the benefit of CEOs, senior executives, and executive advisors of high growth companies. The goal is to stimulate visibility, further develop peer networks, and create new business opportunities for leaders who are committed to progress. The program has begun in three major Midwestern cities, and will evolve into a national reach.
Our objective is help executives to achieve bold, repeatable marketplace visibility. This visibility is designed to translate into new business leads. We’re using a powerful new platform to help leaders consistently light up the market using proven, unique and highly effective systems. Alpha Board is designed to help leaders and innovators reach the most active market influencers with their business stories. As a result, companies will have the opportunity to expand their reach, relationships, reputations and revenue in the marketplace as their individual stories capture the attention of influencers, prospects and customers.
The Alpha Board executive program also provides CEOs and business leaders a powerful forum to interact with each other. By having a multi-company peer platform for leaders, it enhances everyone’s market reach. In addition to networking, members will also be able to contribute regular news stories to an Alpha Board news platform to raise the visibility of their companies’ products and services.
“The momentum created by Alpha Board is designed to provide a readily available source of market power for participants to tap into when they need a market voice. Have you ever sat at your desk wondering how to quickly and easily light up the marketplace with your business story? I have. Our program is designed to give leaders that power,” says Dave E. Anderson, President and Founder of NeuVision Group. “Great power means greater profits.”
“We believe those who do achieve success must be celebrated. One of the greatest gifts we can provide to business-focused companies, leaders and innovators is visibility. Staples often refers to their ‘easy’ button, providing convenience for office supply shoppers. We have established the Alpha Board platform as a ‘start’ button for organizations to push if they need marketplace attention to jumpstart new growth,” according to Dan Vasey, Alpha Board Co-Founder and former 3M executive.
Just how important is new business growth for shareholders? As you might imagine, not all companies are created alike. On average, more than 50 percent of market value of many companies is based on new business growth and innovation, yet less than 10 percent of all companies are proficient at innovation-based growth as a focus. We want to help improve your odds.
And who are the targeted cities? We can’t share all the good news up front. However, as you might expect, many of the most high profile metros will be ultimately be included. However, business growth dynamics are shifting. While U.S. coastal cities have historically held an advantage with respect to business growth and innovation, mid-continent cities are now catching up. Financial, tax, political, and budgetary issues are starting to out-distance historical innovation factors. Also, quality of life, family friendliness, a pro-business climate, lack of congestion, and having “room to grow” are all becoming advantages for non-coastal cities as key growth drivers in the “now world order.”
We are currently starting plans in the three major cities. If you are reading this, there is a chance you may be in one of them. For more information, you may call or text Dave Anderson at 612 810-4000.
NeuVision Group and Borns Group are founding hosts of the Alpha® Board Tour. In addition, we’ll be including board members, sponsors and co- hosts across the Midwest and beyond in 2023-2024.
About NeuVision® Group
NeuVision Group helps leaders, companies and new product teams manage the risk and maximize the opportunities associated with new products, new companies, and major new growth initiatives. Clients have ranged from the most innovative new ventures to many of the world’s most respected companies and brands. NeuVision Group, its president and founder Dave E. Anderson, and NeuVision Group’s sister company, Alpha Scouts®, have worked with companies like Pfizer, 3M, IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Toshiba, Hewlett-Packard, Seagate, Iomega, Caterpillar, Monsanto, Deere, CNH, MarketWatch, and many more. Our previous Business Drive Time® efforts (Alpha Board’s building blocks) received national and international attention, and were recognized by major media outlets such as BusinessWeek, Forbes, CNBC, MSNBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, EuroInvestor and more. For more information NeuVision® Group visit us on the web at
About Alpha® Board
Alpha Board is the “National Business Leadership Exchange™” designed for the benefit of growing companies, their senior executives, their new product programs, and their marketplace partners. Alpha Board programs include executive interviews, corporate profiles, leader roundtable discussions, news stories, and live open-house events for businesses. While relatively new, Alpha Board has team leaders in each of four initial high-growth metropolitan areas. Alpha Board provides the opportunity for enhanced reputation, reach, and revenue for the companies who are involved in the program, locally, regionally, and nationally.