Alpha® Board is a “National Business Leadership Exchange™” designed to provide increased market visibility, recognition and connections for business leaders and leading businesses across the country. Driving enhanced market reach, new business relationships, cultivating existing relationships, and ultimately helping to drive revenue growth for participants. That’s Alpha Board. That’s what we do. If you are interested in growth, this might be for you.
Join us for an Alpha Board leadership luncheon with Midwest leader and CEO Kyle Bauer; March 27, 2014 | Danny O’Neil’s Roasterie Bean Hanger | 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | 1204 W 27th, KCMO | for additional details contact
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The point of Kyle Bauer’s involvement with Alpha Board is simple. If anyone understands “market facing leadership,” it’s him. For those who follow Kyle around, it appears he is everywhere. The reason it appears that way is that it’s true. He’s a busy guy on several fronts. But he’s also an organized CEO with a well executed plan and a system that works for him, his customers, his stakeholders, and his business.
Kyle is a career-long business owner, has more than 30 years’ experience with a wide variety of organizations, both as an owner as well as a board member. He is currently CEO, general manager, and partner in a major agricultural media company covering a highly productive and economically attractive customer base for advertisers. Kyle’s company, KFRM (KFarm), is the agricultural voice of the Great Plains region, and covers a geographical area that is more than 400 miles wide and 250 miles deep.
Kyle’s marketplace is one of the largest, most attractive agricultural broadcast media footprints in the world. He got there with laser focus, yet, Kyle and his firm have competition, and lots of it. Everyone is scrambling to capture the media dollar in today’s marketing environment.
Kyle has a broad constituency, great marketplace relationships, and a consistent, systematic approach to staying well connected. We’ve asked him to share some of his thoughts, experiences and insights.
From local listeners in hundreds of rural zip codes, small town leaders, regional advertisers, national manufactures, national advertising and public relations professionals, state industry and government officials, major leaders in the agricultural industry, and the agricultural contingent of U.S. Congress; they have a few things in common. They all have an interest in Kyle’s industry and market. Many of them know Kyle, they know about his media company. In addition, from what we can see, both Kyle and KFRM have a sound and stellar reputation throughout the industry.
You might think by what we’ve said, Kyle spends all his time with customers. In addition to working and circulating in the marketplace, he is also responsible for running a 24/7/365 day per year company, sleeping at night, having a family life, as well as enjoying life in his element with himself, family, friends and of course Lt.
In short, Kyle works hard. He makes his work look easy (well sort of easy), in part because he is well organized, and because he appears to greatly enjoy his work. Suffice it to say, he travels many miles in a years’ time. Planes, train crossings, horses and automobiles… or pickup trucks. But he does it with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
We’d love for you to have the opportunity to hear Kyle speak, meet the guy, and form your own opinions. In addition, through events like these, (locally regionally and nationally,) we’d like you to get to know more about Alpha Board, how it is organized, and the tools available for business owners, CEOs, senior executives and business advisors to help them gain visibility, reputation enhancement, and new connections in the marketplace. Alpha® Board delivers “Fresh Octane®: Energy to Grow™.”
Kyle Bauer has been a lifelong resident of Clay County, KS. Graduating from Kansas State University in l980 with a degree in Ag Economics, He returned home to farm with his parents where he farmed wheat, corn, soybeans, sorghum, cattle, and hogs on dry land and irrigated acres. Kyle took over the family farming operation at a young age, and he just keeps going.
Through the years, non-farm business ventures have included manufacturing, banking, fast food, well as radio. In l994, Kyle, and some local investors, purchased KCLY radio in Clay Center, and KFRM radio in l996. Since that time, Bauer has gravitated away from the other businesses, devoting more and more time to KFRM. They have built KFRM to the largest farm station in Kansas and northern Oklahoma by being one of a few full time farm stations in the nation. KFRM covers 120,000 square miles in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska representing over 64 million acres of agricultural land, and more than $20 billion in annual agricultural production.